Brandon McHenry


Brandon has recently joined the staff at MS&S as a PADI Dive Master. Brandon, 54, enjoys hunting, camping, fishing, archery, shooting sports, hiking, swimming, and SCUBA. He volunteers as a Boy Scout Leader with the Montana Council, Mullan Trail District, and Troop 1911 in Missoula as an event organizer, Merit Badge Counselor, and Wilderness First Aid Instructor.

Initially certified as a PADI OW diver in 1992, Brandon is nearing 1000 lifetime dives all over the world including Dubai, Thailand, Hawaii, Guam, Okinawa, Philippines, Puget Sound, California, Texas, Montana, and Utah. Brandon’s favorite place to dive is Apo Island, Negros Oriental, and Malapascua Island/Monad Shoal Philippines.

  • Missoula